Saturday, July 30, 2016

Mickey Mouse collection. Some old Disney fun stuff.

The Ghost Map could mean the end of life as Britain knows it. New Sherlock Holmes story.

Sherlock Holmes -- The Ghost Map 99 cents at Amazon

A war is going on between Germany and England.

It is a secret war. Fought with occult weapons and super weapons.

Who wins or who loses will be decided by the struggles of a few men.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson are brought into the sabotages going on to help save England from an enemy more powerful than any of them could imagine.

The Ghost Map could mean the end of life as Britain knows it.

Sherlock Holmes -- The Ghost Map 99 cents at Amazon

Rise of Thunder. Sherlock must stop a cult using black magic to destroy Britain.99 cents

Sherlock Holmes: The Rise of Thunder.

New Kindle book.

99 cents.

2nd in the new World at War series which pits Germany and Britain against each other using magic and super science.

Sherlock Holmes: The Rise of Thunder.

Sherlock must stop a cult using black magic to destroy Britain.

99 cents.

About Me

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I love my planet and the creatures on it. I wish there were more people who respected each other and loved their world. I write in the hopes of bringing some kind of hope and kindness into people's lives...with spoonfuls of sugar.

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